Add Dimension

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Add Dimension

Add Dimension

Use Add Dimension to add a Linear or Angular Dimension to or between sketch-elements.

Dimensions include the:

Distance between Points*

Length of a Line** ; Radius of a Circle or Arc.

Perpendicular (shortest) Distance from a Point* to a Line**, X-axis, or Y-axis.

Angle between two Lines, or the Angle from the X-axis or Y-axis to a Line**

Angle between three Points*

* Point, start-Point, end-Point, and center-Point.

** Line or CAD-Line


Usually, do not make a dimension zero. It is better to add a constraint. See Sketch-Constraints

See How to add dimensions, How to edit a dimension.

See also: Number-Format: Precision and Digits, Dimension Font Size, Show Dimension Names

Add Dimension


To Add a Dimension:


1.Click Geometry toolbar > Add Dimension (left of graphics-area)


1.Click Geometry menu > Dimension

2.Click the sketch-element, or sketch-elements, to add a linear or angular dimension - see below How to Add a Dimension

The dimension shows near to your mouse-pointer.

3.Click in the graphics-area to place the dimension-line and extension-lines next to your mouse-pointer.


The Dimension dialog opens.

4.Edit the dimension in the dialog

Negative Dimensions?

Do not delete the negative sign from a negative dimension.

See: Why a dimension is negative.

5.Click OK-tiny-13-17 to close the Dimension dialog

The Dimension is now in the graphics-area.

How to EDIT a dimension:

1.Disable all other commands

2.Double-click the arrowhead of a dimension-line

Why the arrowhead?

It is easier to click the arrowhead than the dimension-line or extension-line.


nothing happens if you click the dimension-number

More details: How to ADD a dimension

* Point, start-Point, end-Point, and center-Point.

** Line or CAD-Line

btn_delkeyword        Dimensions to locate a Point

tog_minus        Distance dimensions

btn_delkeyword        Radius

btn_delkeyword        Angle