Edit | Delete Element

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Edit | Delete Element

Edit > Delete Element

Delete element commands:


Click Edit toolbar > Delete element


Click Edit menu > Delete element


You can also use the Delete key on your keyboard.

How to use the Delete element command.

To delete elements with Edit menu > Delete element:

1.Click one or more elements in the graphics-area


2.Click one element in the Assembly-Tree

One or more elements are now in the Selection-Window.


To delete ALL of the elements that are in the Selection-Window:

2.Click Edit toolbar > Delete Element

If there are dependent elements, the Delete Dependent elements opens.

Be careful! Only click OK-tiny-15-18 in the Delete Dependent element form if you are sure.


To delete one of the elements that is in the Selection-Window:

2.Click in the Selection-Window the element that you want to delete.

3.Click Edit toolbar > Delete Element

If there are dependent elements, the Delete Dependent elements opens.

Be careful! Only click OK-tiny-15-18 in the Delete Dependent element form if you are sure.


You cannot delete an element that is in a Design-Set. You must remove the element from the Design-Set before you can delete it from the model.

You cannot delete a 2D-Cam after you add to it a Polyline. You must edit the Cam-Part to delete the Polyline, then you can delete the 2D-Cam from the model.