Merge Points

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Merge Points

About Merge-Points

Merge-Points is a command that combines two Points* at the ends of different sketch-elements into one Point.

When do you need to Merge-Points?

To sketch a sketch-loop for a Profile / Extrusion ( MD-Solid ).

To sketch a sketch-path for a Motion-Point ( with Add Motion-Path FB ).

To merge the Points* at the ends of different Lines-of-Centers so that you can add two or more Gear-Pairs as a Gear-Train.

* start-Points, end-Points, center-Points, and/or Points.

Merge-Points - menu or toolbar


Merge-Points :

Add Gearing FB

1.Click Geometry toolbar > Merge-Points


1.Click Geometry menu > Merge-Points

if the Points* are not coincident:

2.Click a Point* at the end of a sketch-element

3.Click a Point* at the end of a different sketch-element

if the Points* are coincident, you must first delete the Coincident-Constraint.

1.SHIFT + Click the coincident Points*

In the Selection-Window :

2.Right-click the Coincident Constraint

3.Click Delete element in the shortcut menu

Now: start the Add Merge-Points command, and click the Points*.

The two Points* are now one Point.

* Points : start-Point, end-Point, center-Point


You CANNOT merge a Point* with the start-Point (origin) of the CAD-Line along the X-axis of a Part.

You CAN, however, merge a start-Point or end-Point of a sketch-element if you drag to or from the start-Point or end-Point of the CAD-Line.

Merge-Points - video of Hover Technique.

Video of 'Efficient Hover Technique to Merge-Points'

Merge-Points - example




In Selection-Window /


Free Points

Free Points

Merged Points

Merged Points

Note: we recommend the Hover-Technique.


Start the Geometry menu or toolbar > Merge-Points command

Click a Point and then a Point in a different sketch-element.


The Points move together and then we delete one Point (Compare with CoincidentPtoP)
