2.3 Part-Editor

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2.3 Part-Editor

BT-2-24 Part-Editor

Edit a Part with the Part-Editor to add sketch-elements, constraints, and dimensions to a Part.

See also:

Why edit a Part?

How to start the Part-Editor / How to exit the Part-Editor

Part-Editor workspace

When you edit a Part, the Part-Editor replaces the Mechanism-Editor in which the Part is a child. To edit a different Part, you must first close the Part-Editor, and then edit the different Part.

Part-Editor: Example

Part-Editor: Example

Graphics-area : shows the Part-Axes of the Part, and the sketch-elements and dimensions that you add to the Part.

Name-tab : is above the graphics-area. The name changes from the name of the Mechanism-Editor to the name of the Part.

Menus and Toolbars:

Geometry menu:

Geometry menu : Add sketch-elements, constraints, and dimensions

Geometry menu : Add sketch-elements, constraints, and dimensions

Geometry menu - the commands that are in the Geometry and Constraints toolbars.

The two toolbars:

Geometry toolbar (left (<<) of graphics-area)

The commands to add sketch-elements and dimensions

Constraints toolbar (right (>>) of graphics-area)

The commands to add constraints to and between sketch-elements.