Model | Add Mechanism (Editor)

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Model | Add Mechanism (Editor)

What is a Mechanism?

A Mechanism, in the context of Add Mechanism, is a Mechanism-Editor.

Gravitational Vector ( g = 9.81665 m/s/s )


Gravity Vector is in the negative Y-axis direction (down from the Green arrowhead in the Model-Editor.

Before you add the first Mechanism-Editor, to a Plane, consider the type of machine.

For example, if your machine has a horizontal indexing or rotating table, add the first Mechanism-Editor for the table to the Top Plane, or a Plane that is parallel to the Top Plane.

Add Mechanism

Model elements toolbar

Model elements toolbar

STEP 1:Start the Add Mechanism command:


2.Click Add menu > Add Mechanism


2.Click Model elements toolbar > Add Mechanism

The Command-Manager has one selection-box.

Command-Manager - no elements

Command-Manager - no elements

STEP 2: Select a Plane

1.Click a Plane in the graphic-area


2.Click a Plane in the Assembly-Tree  

The Plane is now in the selection-box.

STEP 3: Complete the command

1.Click OK-tiny-11-15 in the Command-Manager


You jump immediately to the new Mechanism-Editor. It has a new Mechanism name-tab.


Command-Manager - with Plane element

Command-Manager - with Plane element

RESULT: the new Mechanism-Editor

Graphic-Area of new Mechanism-Editor

Front-View of the Mechanism-Editor

Front-View of the new Mechanism-Editor.

Red-14-1b : Base-Part - the frame of the Mechanism-Editor. It has a rectangular Green Part-Outline

( See also: The Base-Part does not show correctly...! )

Red-14-2 : Mechanism name-tab

Red-14-3 : Toolbars (left and right of the graphic-area)

Red-14-4 : Graphic-Area

Red-14-5 : Local XY-axes of the NEW Mechanism-Editor and Base-Part

The local axes use the right hand rule. The:

+X–axis - horizontal, to the right ( > ), on the Mechanism-Plane

+Y–axis - vertical, 90º counter-clockwise to +X-axis, and upwards ( ^ ), on the Mechanism-Plane

+Z–axis - towards you (◎) - perpendicular (normal, orthogonal) to the Mechanism-Plane

NEW Mechanism-Editor - and the Assembly-Tree

Assembly-Tree and the new Mechanism-Editor

Assembly-Tree and the new Mechanism-Editor

The hierarchy of the new elements

Mechanism2 - is a child to Plane4

BasePart2  - is a child to Mechanism2.

The XY-axes of Plane4, Mechanism2, and Base-Part2 are coplanar and coincident.


Video: Model-Editor: Add Mechanism-Editor to Plane

The Base-Part does not show correctly!

Why is the Base-Part not Green?

The Base-Part is not Green!

The Base-Part is not Green!

If the Base-Part is a not Green (or a similar color) when you add your first Mechanism-Editor, it is usual that Force-Vectors: Display is enabled.

MD-Icon-Force-Vectors-Show Force toolbar > Force-Vectors: Display is enabled


To make the Base-Part Green, you should disable Force Vectors: Display

MD-Icon-Force-Vectors-HideClick to disable Force toolbar >Force-Vectors: Display.

The Base-Part should be Green.

Why is half of the Base-Part hidden by a Plane?

BasePart partial hidden by a Plane.

BasePart partial hidden by a Plane.

The Base-Part is partly hidden by a Plane if the:

MD-Icon-ShowModelinMechVisibility toolbar > Show Solids in Mechanism is enabled

When you enable Show Solids in Mechanism, we also show Planes.

To hide Planes, do:

MD-Icon-Visibility-ModelinMech-HideDisable Visibility toolbar > Show Solids in Mechanism. to hide Solids and Planes.



MD-Icon-DispFilt-PlanesDisable Display toolbar > Display Planes to hide Planes


Why is the Base-Part not Green?

The Base-Part is not green.

The Base-Part is not green.

The Part-Outline of the Base-Part is in a different Mechansim-Editor.

The Part-Outline of the Base-Part is in a different Mechansim-Editor.

You can see Kinematic and sketch-elements of other Mechanism-Editors when these are enabled:


MD-Icon-Visibility-Other Mech-SHOW Enable Show other Kinematic and Sketch-Elements - (Visibility toolbar)

Click to disable.


Enable Mechanism name-tab light-bulb in the other Mechanism-Editor (Right-click Mechanism name-tab)