Model | Add Mechanism (Editor)

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Model | Add Mechanism (Editor)

What is a Mechanism?

A Mechanism element defines the workspace of one Mechanism-Editor. It includes a Mechanism name-tab, graphics-area, XY-axes, and Base-Part.

To add a Mechanism element, you must select a Plane.

The XY-axes of the Mechanism-Editor's workspace and of the Plane you select are coincident and coplanar.

There is no limit to the number of Mechanism elements you can add to your model.

Important Note:

Before you add the first Mechanism-Editor to a Plane, consider the type and layout of your machine.

Gravitational Vector ( g = 9.81665 m/s/s )


Gravity Vector - its direction is in the negative Y-axis direction,

It is down relative to the Green arrowhead in the Model-Editor.

For example, if your machine has a horizontal indexing or rotating table, you should add the first Mechanism-Editor for the table to the Top Plane, or a Plane that is parallel to the Top Plane.

Add Mechanism

STEP 1:Start the Add Mechanism command:

Model elements toolbar

Model elements toolbar


1.Click Mechanism menu > Add Mechanism


1.Click Model elements toolbar > Add Mechanism

STEP 2: Select a Plane



Command-Manager - Plane element

Command-Manager - Plane element

The Command-Manager (left of graphics-area) has one selection-box.

You must select a Plane.

1.Click a Plane in the graphics-area


1.Click a Plane in the Assembly-Tree

The Plane is now in the selection-box in the Command-Manager.

To see Planes: Enable Show Solids in Mechanisms. Enable: Visibility menu > Display Planes

STEP 3: Complete the command

Command-Manager - Plane element

Command-Manager - 'OK'

You must click the 'tick' to complete the command.

In the Command-Manager:

1.Click the OK-tiny-11-15 below the selection-box.



1.The Command-Manager closes.

2.You jump immediately to a new Mechanism-Editor workspace - with a Mechanism tab, graphics-area, Base-Part, and toolbars.

See also: The Base-Part does not show correctly!

3.The Mechanism element is a child to the Plane you select.

RESULT: Workspace

Mechanism Editor - Identify

Mechanism-Editor workspace


The new Mechanism-Editor:

Red-14-1b Base-Part with a rectangular Part-Outline

Red-14-2 Mechanism name-tab

Red-14-3 Toolbars (left and right of the graphics-area)

Red-14-4 Graphics-area

Red-14-5 Local XY-axes of the Mechanism-Editor and Base-Part

The XY-Plane of the Plane you select, the new Mechanism element, and the Base-Part are coplanar and coincident.

Result: Assembly-Tree

Hieratchy of new Mechanism in Assembly-Tree

Hieratchy of new Mechanism in Assembly-Tree

The hierarchy of the new Mechanism element

Plane4 - that you selected to add the Mechanism element:  

(New) Mechanism2 - is a child to Plane4, and coplanar with the XY axes of Plane4.

(New) BasePart2 - is the name the Part that you edit to add sketch-element. It is the machine-frame of Mechanism2.

The XYZ-axes of Plane4, Mechanism2, and the Base-Part2 are all coincident.
