Can I edit (and other questions relating to) the Part-Outline?

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Can I edit (and other questions relating to) the Part-Outline?

Can I edit the Part-Outline? ... and other questions that relate to the Part-Outline.

Part-Outline of three Parts in the Graphics-Area

Part-Outline of three Parts in the Graphics-Area


Can I edit the Part-Outline?


The Part-Outline is the symbol for the Part element.

When do I need to click the Part-Outline?

You select the Part-Outline to edit the Part.

You may need to select the Part-Outline (as the Part) when you add more complex elements.

E.g.: Select the Part-Outline as the Cam-Part, when you do Add 2D-Cam.

Can I change the size of the Part-Outline symbol?

YES. Use the Application Settings > Accessibility tab > Graphic > Symbol Display Size

Must I display Part-Outlines in the graphics-area?


To hide Part-Outlines, see Display Filters > Show/Hide Part-Outlines.

You can double-click the Y-axis to edit a Part.

You must display Part-Outlines to display Force-Vectors.

Can I hide individual Part-Outlines?


Can I change the color of a Part-Outline?

Only when you display Force-Vectors. You can use the Configure Power Source to edit the color of individual Parts.

When you do not display Force-Vectors, we recommend you use the default colors of Part-Outlines for Parts that are kinematically-defined / solved (a type of Green), and for Parts that are not kinematically-defined / not solved (a type of Blue).