Change Dyad Closure

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Change Dyad Closure

Change Dyad Closure / Change Configuration of Dyad's Assembly.


Dyad :

also known as Assur Group :

A dyad is an assembly of two Parts and three joints.

There is one joint that joins the two Parts together.

The two other joints join the Parts to two other Parts that are kinematically-defined.

The two Parts and three joints in a dyad are kinematically-defined.

Assur Groups :

Another name for a dyad

Dyad Closures :

The different ways you can assemble the two Parts of a dyad

Configuration of the Dyad's Assembly is a different way to express Dyad Closure.

Types of Dyad :

Planar Dyads: R-R-R, R-R-P, R-P-R, R-P-P, P-R-P

Spatial Dyads: S-S-R, S-S-P

R :

Revolute Joint = Pin-Joint

P :

Prismatic Joint = Slide-Joint

S :

Spherical Joint = Ball-Joint

See more: Dyads

Change Dyad Closure

RRR Dyad - Closure 1

RRR Dyad
Closure 1

Command-Manager: Change Dyad Closure

Command-Manager: Change Dyad Closure

RRR Dyad - Closure 2

RRR Dyad
Closure 2

STEP 1: Start the Change Dyad Closure command

Change Dyad Closure icon

1.Mechanism-Editor: Add menu > Mechanism menu  > Change Dyad Closure


1.Mechanism-Editor: Kinematic elements toolbar > Change-Dyad Closure

The Command-Manager indicates you must select a Part in the Dyad.

STEP 2: Select one Part in the Dyad

2.Click the Part-Outline of a Part in the Dyad whose assembly-configuration (Dyad-Closure) you want to change.

STEP 3: Complete the Command

3.Click OK-tiny-11-15 in the Command-Manager

The configuration of the assembly (Dyad Closure) should now be different.

<<< To the left, compare the bottom image with the top image.

STEP 4: Do again, if needed


4.If necessary, do 1 to 3 again and again to find the configuration of the assembly you want to apply to your design.


When there are many Dyads in the model it is sometime not easy to see which Dyad whose closure you need to change.

1.Kinematics-Tree: Click to Expand each Kinematic-Chain in the Kinematics-Tree

2.Kinematics-Tree: Click each Dyad

When you click to explore each dyad in the Kinematics-Tree, the five elements in the Dyad (2 Parts + 3 Joints) become red in the graphic-area.

Assembly-Configurations of the RRP Dyad

The joints in the R-R-P Dyad are: Revolute – Revolute – Prismatic.

In MechDesigner, the equal joint names are: Pin-Joint – Pin-Joint Slide-Joint.

There are 4 possible assembly configurations (Dyad Closures).

The image below shows an Offset-Slider-Crank mechanism.

4 x Assembly Configurations of an Offset-Crank-Slider

4 x Assembly Configurations of an Offset-Crank-Slider

PartRed-14-1b is the Crank - to illustrate the 4 Dyad closures, it does NOT move.

Dyad: The two Parts in the R-R-P dyad are Parts Red-14-2Red-14-3.

To imagine the four assembly-configurations, do not add the Pin-Joint (R2) between PartRed-14-2  and PartRed-14-3.

PartRed-14-2 can only rotate around the Pin-Joint, R1, at the end of the Crank.

Therefore, Pin-Joint R2 can ONLY be around the red circle at the end of PartRed-14-2.

PartRed-14-3 can only slide along the Slide-Joint, P1, along LineRed-14-4.

Important: The Point in PartRed-14-3 for the Pin-Joint (R2) is offset from the Slide-Joint and not on the Slide-Joint.

Therefore, Pin-Joint R2 can, also, ONLY be along the red lines that are offset from the Slide-Joint.

The red circle intersects the red lines. at 4 places.

Therefore, the Pin-Joint R2 can ONLY be at 4 places.

Therefore, the Offset Slider-Crank has 4 possible assembly configurations (Dyad Closures).