Add Pin-Joint

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Add Pin-Joint


See also: Edit-Pin-Joint ( Servomotor and Gearbox Sizing )

Pin-Joints in MechDesigner

Pin-Joints in MechDesigner

Pin Joint: Connecting-Rod and Piston

Pin Joint: Connecting-Rod and Piston


Pin-Joint in CAD model.


Pin-Joint :

A Pin-Joint makes a Point* in a Part to be coincident with a Point* in a different Part.

A Pin-Joint allows two Parts to rotate relative to each other.

A Pin-Joint removes two degrees-of-freedom from the model.

rotating-Part :

A Part that can rotate relative to a different Part.

Revolute-Joint :

The kinematic and technical term of a Pin-Joint.

Kinematics-Tree :

In Dyads, we represent a Pin-Joint with the letter R, which is from the kinematic term: Revolute-Joint.

* Point, start-Point, end-Point, or center-Point.

Pin-Joints in the graphics-area


A Pin-Joint has two symbols.

Red-14-1bMD-Dowel-Symbol - a Pin-Joint between a Part and the Base-Part.

Red-14-2 MD-PointandPinJoint-Symbol - a Pin-Joint between two(2) added Parts and they can move relative to the Base-Part.

Simple Case - Add Pin-Joint


STEP 1: Start the Add Pin-Joint command


Mechanism menu > Add Pin-Joint


Kinematic elements toolbar > Add Pin-Joint

STEP 2: Select two(2) Points:

At least one Point must be in a free Part.

1.Click a PointRed-14-1 in a free Part

2.Click a PointRed-14-2 in a different Part

The two(2) Points are coincident at the Pin-Joint.

If the Select-Elements dialog opens, see Special-Case.

Two Pin-Joints

Two Pin-Joints

See also:

Add Slide-Joint

Add Ball-Joint

Add Motion-Dimension FB

VIDEO : Add Pin-Joint - Simple-Case


Video: Add Pin-Joint (Simple Case)


Special-Case - Add two or more coincident Pin-Joints

Frequently, a design has Pin-Joints that are coincident, to join more than two Parts.


You want to join Points(#1,#2,#3), in Parts(#1,#2,#3). with Pin-Joints(#1,#2).

Say, Pin-Joint#1 is between Points #1 and #2 (in Parts #1 and #2)

When you add Pin-Joint#2, you have two(2) options:

Option A: Pin-Joint#2 is between Points #3 and #1 (in Parts #3 and #1)


Option B: Pin-Joint#2 is between Points #3 and #2 (in Parts #3 and #2)

To select Option A or Option B is important if you also select the Pin-Joints to add Motion-Dimension FBs.


Preparation example:

Red-14-1b Line in the Base-Part (any Part that is kinematically-defined )

Red-14-2 Part that is completely-free

Red-14-3 Part that is free

Pin-JointRed-14-4 joins the start-Point of LineRed-14-1b to the start-Point of PartRed-14-3

You want to join PartRed-14-2 that is completely-free with a Pin-Joint that is coincident with Pin-JointRed-14-4.


STEP 1:Add Pin-Joint #2


1.Click Kinematic elements toolbar > Add Pin-Joint

1.Click PointRed-14-5 at the end of the Completely-Free-PartRed-14-2

2.Click the Pin-JointRed-14-6 to select a Point - see below

You have actually clicked a total of three(3) Points.

One Point at Red-14-5

Two Points at Red-14-6

However, the Pin-Joint is between two(2) Points.

Therefore, there is ambiguity ...

... Which two(2) Points, of the three(3) Points, do you want the Pin-Joint to select?


Ambiguity: we are not clear which element(s) to select to add a new element.


Select-Elements dialog

When there is ambiguity as to which elements you want to select, the Select Elements dialog opens.

In this model, there are three(3) possible Points from which you want to select two(2) Points.

Point11 (the start-PointRed-14-5 of the PartRed-14-2 that is completely-free)

Point5 (the PointRed-14-6 at the left of the Line in the Base-Part)

Point7 (the start-PointRed-14-6 of the Part that is free)


The element at the top of the list is the first element you click. Therefore, if possible, click the element you know you need before you click the other elements. Then, you know you need to select the top element plus one other.



STEP 2:Select the Points in the Select-Elements dialog:

1.MD-Ctrlb key down

2.Click the two Points you want to use for the Pin-Joint

3.MD-Ctrlb key up

The MD-OK-tiny-11-15 colorizes only when you select the elements that are compatible .

4.Click MD-OK-tiny-11-15 at the top, right of the dialog

Which two Points do you select from the three Points?

There are three options to select two(2) elements from three(3) elements.

Option A: Two elements are compatible or NOT compatible.

Yes, you can select Point11 and Point5




Option B: Yes, you can select Point11 and Point7.



Option C: No, you cannot select Point5 and Point7.

Why? Because Point5 and Point7 are joined with a Pin-Joint, already.

Note: In the image to the left, see the word 'not' in the message that is below the element-box

Two selected elements are not compatible”

Option A

Option A

STEP 2:To confirm again, select the TWO Points:

1.MD-Ctrlb key down

2.Click the two Points you want to use for the Pin-Joint

3.MD-Ctrlb key up

The MD-OK-tiny-11-15 colorizes only when you select the elements that are compatible .

4.Click MD-OK-tiny-11-15 at the top right of the dialog

The Select-Elements dialog closes.

The Points (and completely free-Part) are coincident, at the new Pin-Joint.


If the Select-Elements dialog opens, the element you click first is at the top of the list.

Therefore, if I know there will be ambiguity, I click the element that I know I need to select before the elements that cause the ambiguity. Then, when the Select-Elements dialog open, the element I click first will at the top of the list.

VIDEO - Add Pin-Joint - Special-Case:

Add Pin-Joint - Special Case