Dialog: Blend-Curve

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Dialog: Blend-Curve


See also Add Blend-Curve

About the Blend-Curve

A Blend-Curve is a sketch-element that has a start-Point and an end-Point.

Use the Blend-Curve dialog to edit geometric-properties AT its start-Point and AT its end-Point. The properties you can edit are its:



Curvature Rate  

Typically, you merge the start-Point and/or end-Point of the Blend-Curve with other sketch-elements.

The default geometric-properties make sure that the Blend-Curve has geometric continuity with adjacent sketch-elements.

Case 0 : You do NOT merge the Blend-Curve with another sketch-element. You can edit these geometric-properties at its start-Point and end-Point:

Angle (default = 0)

Curvature (default = 0)

Curvature Rate (default = 0)

Case 1 : You do merge the start-Point and/or end-Point of the Blend-Curve with a Line.

Angle is equal to the angle of the Line

Curvature is equal to zero

Curvature Rate is equal to zero

Case 2 : You do merge the start-Point and/or end-Point of the Blend-Curve with an Arc.

Angle is equal to the tangent of the Arc

Curvature is equal to 1 / Radius of the Arc (m)

Curvature Rate is equal to zero

Case 3 : You do merge the start-Point and/or end-Point of the Blend-Curve with a Blend-Curve.

Edit the end-Point of a Blend-Curve that you merge with the start-Point of an adjacent, or following, Blend-Curve.

In the Blend-Curve dialog, edit the:

Angle : Disable the end-Point Angle check-box: edit the Angle - the angle of the adjacent Blend-Curve with equal the angle you enter.

Curvature : Disable the end-Point Curvature check-box: edit the Curvature - the curvature of the adjacent Blend-Curve with equal the curvature you enter.

Curvature-Rate : Disable the end-Point Curvature-Rate check-box: edit the Curvature-Rate - the curvature-rate of the adjacent Blend-Curve with equal the curvature-rate you enter.

You can edit the geometric-properties

Exactly : with the Blend-Curve dialog

Approximately : with the Blend-Curve drag-handles.

Edit Exactly

tog_minusOpen the Blend-Point dialog
tog_minusBlend-Curve dialog

Edit Approximately

tog_minusEnable / disable Blend-Curve drag-handles
tog_minusBlend-Curve drag-handles

Note on Curvature and Curvature-Rate

tog_minusCurvature and Curvature-Rate