Dialog: Function-Block: Pattern

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Dialog: Function-Block: Pattern

Pattern FB

See Add Pattern FB

If you use regular CAD, you know about circular and linear arrays. In MechDesigner, there is more complexity because parts frequently have complex motions.

A Pattern FB makes Copies of Profile/Extrusions (MD-Solids) and CAD-Solids - see Solids,

The Pattern FB anticipates the motion of each Copy and puts each Copy at a position that corresponds to its phase of the machine-cycle.

The Pattern FB can show or hide a Copy for a machine-cycle.

The Pattern FB can use a timing-chart to show or hide Copies as they pass through different phases of the machine-cycle.

Use Visibility toolbar > Show Solids in Mechanisms to see the Copies that we generate for you with the Pattern FB.

How to open the Pattern FB dialog


Open the Pattern FB dialog:

1.Click the Pattern FB in the Assembly-Tree.

The Pattern FB is now in the Selection-Window

2.Right-click the Pattern FB element in the Selection-Window

3.Click Edit element in the shortcut menu


1.See How to Open a dialog.

The Pattern FB dialog is now open.

Pattern dialog

Pattern FB dialog

Pattern FB dialog

There are two tabs in the Pattern FB dialog:

Pattern Elements

Phase Visibilities

Pattern Elements tab

tog_minus        Enable and Pattern Type 

tog_minus        Pattern Elements 

Phase Visibilities tab

Phases are the number of copies of the Pattern-Elements and the machine-angles to show or hide them.


tog_minus   Pattern Visibility

How to use the Pattern Visibility interface

Refer to the image below:

Red-14-1 Pattern-Element box (top-left)- is the name of the Pattern-Element you are editing.

Red-14-2 Phase Visibility Timing Chart - the chart controls the Visible-Period(s) of the Pattern-Elements.

As an example:

In the image below, there is one Visible-Period of the Pattern-ElementExtrusion”, from 0º to 360º.


There are two(2) Nodes that control the timing of each Visible-Period.

Red-14-3 Node at the Start of Visible-Period - Start-Node

Red-14-4 Node at the End of Visible-Period - End-Node

To edit a Visible-Period for the Pattern-Element you must edit the timing of the Start-Node and/or End-Node.

STEP 1.(Example) Edit the Start-Node and End-Node to define a Visible-Period.

1.Click the Start-Node Red-14-3.

When the Start-Node is Red ...

2.Edit the Node's Timing Red-14-5 to control the start of the Visible-Period for the Pattern-Element Red-14-1.


3.Click the End-Node Red-14-3

When the End-Node is Red ...

3.Edit the Node's Timing Red-14-5 to control the end of the Visible-Period for the Pattern-Element Red-14-1.

The image below shows the new timing of the Visible-Period for the Pattern-Element (Extrusion).

It starts at 50 and end at 150 in the Machine-Cycle.


STEP 2.(Example continued...) Add a new Visible-Period

- see image above.

1.Click MD-Switch Add Node button Red-14-6

2.Click the Phase Visibility Chart in a free areaRed-14-7 which is not in the Visible-Period (e.g. between 150 and 360) - see cursor in the image above.

There is now a new Visible-Period in the Phase-Visibility Chart - see image below.

STEP 3.(Example continued...) Edit the Start-Node and End-Node to define the timing of the new Visible-Period.

1.Click the Start-NodeRed-14-3 or End-NodeRed-14-4 of the new Visible-Period

When a Node is Red ...

2.Edit the Node's TimingRed-14-5

Do 1 and 2 again to define the new Visible-Period for the Pattern-Element

The image below shows the two Visible-Periods in the Phase-Visibility Chart for the Pattern-Element (Extrusion)

Visible Period MD-Red-1-17-Sq - starts at 50 and ends at 150

Visible-Period MD-Red-2-17-Sq - starts at 200 and ends at 300


STEP 4.(Example continued...) Delete a Visible-Period

1.Click the Start-Node or End-Node of the Visible Period you want to delete.

In the image above the End-NodeRed-14-8 of Visible-Period MD-Red-1-17-Sq is Red ...

2.Click MD-RemoveSwitchDELETE-Node Red-14-9

We delete Visible-PeriodMD-Red-1-17-Sq from the Phase-Visibility Chart

The image below shows one Visible-Period in the the Phase-Visibility Chart for the Pattern-Element (Extrusion)

You can now Click OK-tiny-11-15 to close the Pattern Visibility interface.


Pattern Visibilities - example

Imagine a chain wrapped around a circular, 12-hour, analog, clock. There are 12 hours and 12 chain-links in the chain.

The chain moves continuously around the circular clock.

To add the 12 copies of the Pattern-Element (see Pattern-Elements tab chain-links is the Source Pattern-Element (Solid).

Edit Phase Visibilities tab > PHASES separator > # Copies to edit the number of chain-links on the chain - in this example, 12 copies to give 12 chain-links.

You will see in the box below the angle of the 12 Copies, when the MMA=0.

Click a copy in the table.

The OK-tiny-13-17 changes to a MD-CROSS  for each copy you click.

A OK-tiny-13-17 next to the copy means you can see the copy move around the clock - however, see also Pattern Visibilities

A MD-CROSS next to the copy means you can not see the copy, as it moves all the way around the clock.

Nearly always, enable Hide Source Pattern-Element.

Use Pattern Visibility to hide each chain-link, one link after the next link, as it moves between hours, for example, between 6 and 9 o'clock.