Dialog: Gear-Pair

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Dialog: Gear-Pair


See: Add Gear-Pair

Gear Terminology

Gear Mesh :

Inter-locking gear-teeth that transmit torque and motion from one shaft to a different shaft.

External Gear Mesh :

The two gears have teeth that diverge out from their centers-of-rotation.

Internal Mesh :

One of the gears has teeth that converge in to its center-of-rotation.

Simple Gear-Pair :

Two gears that rotate about two fixed centers.

Epicyclic Gear-Pair :

One gear rotates about its own center AND it also orbits around the center of a different gear.

How to open the Gear-Pair dialog

Example External Gear-Pair

Example External Gear-Pair

Edit the Gear-Pair:

1.Double-click a Gear-Pair in the graphics-area or Assembly-Tree.


1.See How to Open a dialog

The Gear-Pair dialog is now open.

Gear-Pair dialog

Gear-Pair dialog

Gear-Pair dialog

There are three tabs in the Gear-Pair dialog.

Define tab

Adjustments tab

Parameters tab

Define tab

tog_minus Gear Mesh and # Teeth   
tog_minus Gear Segmentation Parameters 

Adjustments tab

tog_minus Adjustments  

Parameters tab

tog_minus Gear Tooth Parameters 
tog_minus Gear Parameters   

Useful Gearing Calculations and Equations

tog_minusGearing Equations
tog_minusUseful Gearing Definitions
tog_minusGear Modifications