<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: MechDesigner Reference & User Interface > Dialogs > Dialog: Plane |
See also: Model Editor > Add Plane and Mechanism-Editor > Add Plane
Planes define the layout of your machine.
You add other Planes and Mechanism-Editors to Planes.
Edit Plane |
The Plane dialog opens when you start the Add Plane command. To open a Plane dialog you add to the model at a different time:
Note: You cannot edit the Front, Top, or Right planes. |
The Plane dialog is now open.
The Plane dialog has two formats, which you can identify by the Plane Definition parameter.
The format is a function of the element you select to add the new Plane.
When you select a Plane, the Plane Definition is “Offset from Plane”. |
New Plane: Plane6 Plane Parameters Plane Definition: Offset from Plane The new Plane is offset along the Z-axis of the Plane you select. Element box (bottom of dialog): the Plane you select. Parameter to edit: Distance to New Plane The distance from the Plane you select (e.g. Front) to the new Plane. |
New Plane in the Graphic-Area |
Notes: In the image, the new Plane is offset along the Z-axis of Plane by the linear distance equal to Distance to new Plane.
When you select a Line, the X-axis, or the Y-axis of a Part, the Plane Definition is “Angle from Plane”. |
New Plane: Plane5 Plane Parameters Plane Definition: Angle from Line Element box (bottom of dialog): the Line you select, and the Plane to which the Line is a great, great, grand, ... child? Parameters to edit: Move Plane to end-Point Enable o move the origin of the new Plane from the start-Point to the end-Point of the Line that is in Element box. The X-axis of the new Plane is now from the end-Point to the start-Point of the Line. Usually, do not enable. However, you must enable Move Plane to End-Point to add a Bevel Gear-Pair. Rotational Axes •Rotate around X-axis : Rotate the new Plane around the X-axis direction of the Line •Rotate around Y-axis : Rotate the new Plane around the Y-axis direction of the Line •Rotate around Z-axis : Rotate the new Plane around the Z-axis direction of the Line |
Notes: When you select a Line (Format 2) : The Origin of the new Plane is: •at the Start-Point of the Line, or •at the end-Point of the Line, if you enable Move Plane to end-Point in the Plane dialog. The default +ve X-axis of the new Plane is: •from the start-Point to the end-Point of the Line, or •from the end-Point to the start-Point of the Line, if you enable Move Plane to end-Point. |
Model toolbar > Add Plane (in the Model-Editor tab)
Model toolbar > Add Plane (in a Mechanism-Editor tab)