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Element-Explorer - Kinematics-Tree

See also: Kinematic-Symbols, and Configure-Power Source/ Change Dyad Closure

The Kinematics-Tree is the kinematic-structure of each kinematic-chain in the active Mechanism-Editor.


If you cannot explore the elements Kinematics-Tree , click Rebuild now.

We compile for you the Kinematic-Tree from the Kinematic and Machine elements that you add to your model.

If you click on any kinematic-chain, and then move your mouse to the graphics-area, the kinematic-chain show as the selected elements in the graphics-area.

You can right-click on any kinematic-chain to Configure the Power Source


This icon is at the top of the Kinematic-Tree to the left of the name “Mechanisms”.

Note: If you cannot see “Mechanisms”, or explore the Kinematics-Tree, click Rebuild now.

The structure of the Kinematics-Tree is:



Kinematic Sub-assemblies

Kinematic Elements

Unsolved Mechs

MD-Icon-Solved-KinChain Kinematic-Chain

The Mobility of these kinematic-chains is zero(0). They are kinematically-defined (solved).

You can explore the kinematic-chains to find Kinematic Sub-Assemblies and kinematic elements (see below)

MD-Icon-NotSolved-KinChain Unsolved Mechs

These kinematic-chains have a mobility that is greater than zero(0). The kinematic-chains are not kinematically-defined.

Example: Kinematics-Tree in Element-Explorer

Example: Kinematics-Tree in Element-Explorer

Kinematic-Sub-Assemblies (Solved Mechanisms ONLY):

These are compiled as:





The type of Dyad is identified by its three joints, denoted with a letter:

R = Revolute-Joint = Pin-Joint

P = Prismatic-Joint = Slide-Joint

S = Spherical-Joint = Ball-Joint

a. R-R-R

b. R-R-P

c. R-P-R

d. P-R-P

e. R-P-P

f. Ram-R

g. Ram-P

h. S-S-R

i. S-S-P


5.Rack-Pinion / Pinion-Rack
