Open DXF File

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Open DXF File

File > Open > DXF file-type

When you do: File menu > Open > DXF file-type, you add a DXF-element to the Assembly-Tree.

The DXF-element is the container for the DXF-Drawing.

To show the DXF-Drawing, you must edit a CAD-Line to link the DXF-element and DXF-Drawing to the CAD-Line.

See CAD-Line dialog > DXF tab

To show a DXF-Drawing:

STEP 1 : File menu > Open > DXF file-type

1.Click File menu (or toolbar) > Open

Make sure the File of type filter is set to DXF.

2.Browse to a DXF file

3.Click the Open button

A DXF-element shows in the Assembly-Tree.

STEP 2 : Show the DXF-Drawing

1.Edit a CAD-Line to open its CAD-Line dialog

2.Select the DXF tab

See CAD-Line dialog > DXF tab


Edit the DXF Element in the Assembly-Tree to:

Link the DXF element with a different DXF-Drawing file

Define the units of the DXF-Drawing. Usually, to the units of the original DXF-Drawing.

See also: DXF-Element dialog


In your original CAD software, before you save the DXF-Drawing:

Use (or equivalent): Remove Hidden Lines

Use (or equivalent): Hide Tangent Edges, Remove Tangent Edges


Save the DXF-Drawing as a release as possible. Release 12 is ideal.