Add Line

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Add Line

Add Line

Geometry toolbar

Add Gearing FB

1.Click Geometry toolbar > Add Line (left of graphics-area)


1.Click Geometry menu > Line

2.Drag in the graphics-area from the start-Point to the end-Point of the Line.

Drag: mouse-button-down (start-Point), move your mouse-pointer, mouse-button-up (end-Point).

The Line is now in the graphics-area.

To Add Line with a free start-Point and/or end-Point.

Do NOT HOVER above a different Point* before you mouse-button-down or mouse-button-up to add the Line.

See also: How to Delete a Constraint

To Add Line with a merged start-Point and/or end-Point.

Do HOVER above a different Point* before you mouse-button-down or mouse-button-up to add the Line.

See: Hover+Drag Video

* Point, start-Point, end-Point, center-Point.

Coordinate System of a Line / CAD-Line

The Origin (0,0,0) of the Coordinate-System is the start-Point of the Line / CAD-Line

The +X–axis is from the start-Point to the end-Point of the Line / CAD-Line

The +Y-axis is at +90º from the +X-axis, and on the Mechanism-Plane.





Drag from the start-Point to the end Point of the Line

Linen +

PointN at each end of the Line