MechDesigner 17.1

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MechDesigner 17.1

MechDesigner 17... engineered to move.

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Motion is a concept that you experience and witness, but you cannot physically hold. However, to design a multi-axis machine, you must be able to design and weave together the motions for all of its interacting mechanisms.

There are three ways to represent, edit, and optimize motions for a machine:

1.List each motion as a series of positions ...see NotePad®, Excel® , ...
Good luck!

2.Plot each motion with a graph ... see MotionDesigner
Graphs plot the motions, and their motion-derivatives, for each machine axis, for a complete machine-cycle.

3.Simulate the motions with moving parts ... see MechDesigner
A simulation shows the machine move, with each mechanism synchronized to a master machine axis, for a machine-cycle, over and over again.

When you can see the mechanisms in your machine interact with each other, it is much easier to improve your design before you start to build your machine.

MotionDesigner and MechDesigner are a powerful combination.

Multi-axis Mechanisms, Motions, Cams, Gears, Racks, Ball-Screws, Pulleys, Belts, ...

Analyze, Scrutinize, Optimize

Quick links:

System Requirements, Installation, Legal:

System Requirements




Getting Started Tutorials - MechDesigner.

Getting Started Tutorials - MotionDesigner

Reference Help:

MechDesigner Reference

MotionDesigner Reference

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This Help File is: 17.1.50, Published on the: 1/30/2025, at 1:08 PM

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