4: Feedback-Area

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4: Feedback-Area

BT-4-24 Feedback-Area

The Feedback-Area is below the graphics-area.

It has five areas.


BT-1-24 Extended Hints AND Element Properties

Extended Hints:

When you move your mouse above a command in a toolbar, or many of the Function-Blocks in the graphics-area, a tool-tip shows in the Extended Hints box BT-1-14.


When you move your mouse above an element in the graphics-area, it shows the element's kinematic-properties and/or kinetostatic-properties.


You do not need to enable Hints and Tool-Tips to see the Extended Hints.

To see all of the Extended Hint and/or Element-Properties, you may need to drag the separator-bars BT-6-14 upwards and/or to the right a short distance.

BT-2-24 Messages

The most recent message is at the top of the list.

Message information:

Count :

The message number.

Topic :

Importance Level: MD-INFORMATION – Information; MD-Warning – Warning; MD-Error – Error - save your work now!

Message :

The message that you should read!

Time :

When the message was displayed.

To clear the messages:

1.Right-Click, with your mouse-pointer in the Messages area

2.Click Clear Messages in the shortcut menu

Message sounds:

If you enable sounds (Application Options | Accessibility tab), you hear a honk with each new message.

BT-3-24 Master-Machine-Angle (MMA): Scale, Digital Angle Indicator, and Revs

Master-Machine-Angle (MMA):

The value of the MMA is the independent input to all kinematic-chains in your model.

The MMA increases at a constant-rate from 0 to 360, again and again, when you cycle/run the model - see the Run menu. One machine-cycle is one cycle of the MMA, from 0 to 360.

You can read and edit the MMA in two ways:

Arrowhead + MMA Scale - Read / “Write” (Drag)

Approximate Master Machine Angle.  

The orange triangle (▲) below the scale indicates, approximately, the MMA on the scale.

To edit the MMA approximately:

Mouse-button-down and move you mouse to the left or right, with your mouse-pointer INSIDE the Master Machine Angle Slider to change the machine angle.

The orange triangle (▲) below the scale moves with your mouse-pointer.

Digital MMA indicator BT-7-14 - Read / Write

Exact Master Machine Angle

The value in the Digital MMA Indicator box is the exact MMA.

To edit the MMA exactly:

To an exact MMA angle:

Enter a value for the MMA, from 0 to 360.

To Inch

Click the Spin-Box one time to increase or decrease the MMA by one Spin-Increment.

To Jog

Press and Hold the Spin-Box to continuously increase or decrease the MMA.

Revs - Read only

Number of machine-cycles since you reset the model to zero with Run menu > Home

BT-4-24 Vector Scale buttons


Click the up / down arrow buttons to increase or decrease the length of the Velocity, Acceleration, Force, and Torque vectors that you can show in the graphics-area.

Velocity (V)BT-1-24 and Acceleration (A)BT-2-24 Vector buttons

Click the up /down arrow-buttons to the right of:

V - BT-1-24 - to increase or decrease the length of Velocity vectors

A - BT-2-24 - to increase or decrease the length of Acceleration vectors

See Point Properties dialog to show the Velocity Vector and Acceleration Vector of a moving Point.

Force (F)BT-3-24 and Torque ()BT-4-24 Vector buttons

Click the up /down arrow-buttons to the right of:

F - BT-3-24 - to increase or decrease the length of Force vectors

- BT-4-24 - to increase or decrease the length of Torque vectors

See Force-Vectors: Calculate and Force-Vectors: Display to show Force vectors and Torque/Moment vectors.

See Configure Power Source to make sure the Power flows through the model correctly.

BT-5-25 Animation-Speed Slider

Use the Animation Speed Slider to speed-up or slow-down the Animation Speed of the model.

Mouse-button-down and move you mouse to the left or right, with your mouse-pointer INSIDE the Animation-Speed Slider to change the animation speed.

The Animation-Speed does not change the kinematic or force analysis, or motion synchronization between kinematic-chains.

To edit the Simulation Speed or machine-speed: see Edit menu > Machine-Settings >  Cycling Parameters.

See also: Run >Cycle