Data Transfer Table

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Data Transfer Table

Data Transfer Table

Use the Data Transfer Table to:

Import data from a Graph FB, or from a different application, e.g. NotePad, Excel, to the table and then to a List segment-type

Export motion data from a motion-graph to the table and then save or copy the data.

Display data in the table as a dumb-graph over a motion-graph - see Overlay Trace

Open the Data Transfer Table


MD16 Blend-Point and Segment toolbar

Blend-Point and Segment toolbar


MD17-Blend-Point and Segment toolbar

Blend-Point and
Segment toolbar

To open the Data Transfer Table:

1.Click Blend-Point & Segment toolbar > Data Transfer Table icon.

The Data Transfer Table is now open.

Data Transfer Table

Data Transfer Table

Data Transfer Table

Note: X-axis,  Row 0 is at the Motion-Start.

Data Transfer Table toolbar


Clear all data from the table: Remove all the data from the Data Transfer Table.


Save data to a CSV, TXT, or DAT file-type: Save all of the data in the motion-graphs to a CSV, TXT, or a DAT file-type.


Open and load data from a CSV, TXT, DAT file-type: Load data in a CSV, TXT, or DAT file-type, and paste into the table.



Copy all data to clipboard: Copy all data in the Data Transfer Table to the Windows© clipboard.


Copy selected data to clipboard: Copy the selected data to the Windows© clipboard.


Cut selected data to clipboard: Remove selected data from the Data Transfer Table and copy to the Windows© clipboard.


Paste clipboard to table: Paste data in the Windows© clipboard to the Data Transfer Table, starting at the active cell.


Delete selected data from table: Delete the selected data from the Data Transfer Table.



Get data from List segment-type: The Selected-Segment must be a List Segment-Type.


Put data to a List segment-type: The Selected-Segment must be a List Segment-Type.



Get all displayed P,V,A,J motion-data: Transfer to the Data Transfer Table the motion-values of the motion graphs in the active motion - see also: Note 1, below.


Get all displayed P,V,A,J segment-data: Transfer to the Data Transfer Table the motion-values of the motion-derivative graphs that show, for the Selected-Segment only  - see also Note 1, below.



Show data as an Overlay-Trace : Display the motion-values that are in the Data Transfer Table as an Overlay-Trace. You can toggle this icon to show or hide the overlay-trace.

An Overlay-Trace is a dumb graph that shows with the active motion graph.


Toggle: Include/Ignore last value in Data Transfer Table

Often you want to transfer the motion-values that are in the Data Transfer Table to another application - see also Note 2, below. With a non-progressive motion, your application may need:

the last and first data points to be equal, or

the last and first data points to be not equal.


1.Only data from those motion-derivatives that are showing as graphs.

2.You may need to increase or decrease the Number of Points in the motion by 1 to get a motion-value exactly at each machine degree or millisecond - e.g. from 360 to 361 Points

Data Transfer Table: Shortcut menu

Right-click in the Data Transfer Table to show the shortcut menu.


Copy Selected Data to the Clipboard

Clear all data from table

Load data from a CSV or TXT file-type

Save to Text File

Copy all data to clipboard

Copy selected data to clipboard

Cut selected data from table

Paste data from clipboard to table

Delete selected data from table

Get all displayed P,V,A,J segment data

Toggle: include/ignore last value in Data Transfer Table

Get all displayed P,V,A,J motion data

Show Data as an Overlay Trace

What happens when you PUT data to a List segment-type

When you PUT data to a List segment-type:

MotionDesigner recalculates for you the data in your list to put the correct number of points, which are proportional to the segment-width of the List Segment-Type.

MotionDesigner numerically calculates for you all motion-derivatives from the data.

The minimum number-of-points (rows) you can transfer to a List Segment-Type is 6. We recommend many more than 6 points.

Get data from Motion / Segment

When you GET data from the motion or a segment:

Number-of-Columns: X-axis + each displayed motion-derivative

Number-of-Rows (Motion): = Number-of-Steps in Active Motion Settings

Number-of-Rows (Segment): = Number-of-Steps × Segment-Width / Motion-Width