A: Fixed Gear centers

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A: Fixed Gear centers

A:  Gear-Pairs with Fixed Centers

A Gear-Pair in which each gear has a Fixed Center:

Both gears rotate about their own centers.

The centers of the gears rotate about Points in the Base-Part.


Gears with fixed-centers are:

Simple Gear-Pairs (also known as Parallel or Standard Gears)

Simple Gear-Trains - two or more Gear-Pairs

Compound Gear-Trains

Reverted Gear-Trains

Use gears with fixed-centers to:

Increase or decrease the torque and speed of a shaft

Change the rotational direction of a shaft

Move the rotating axis of a shaft

Combine Gears with a mechanism to get:

Coupler-Curves: from Geared Four-bar and Geared- Five-bars

Function-Generation: from Geared Four-bar and Five-bars

Arrangement of Simple Gear-Pair

Example Simple Gear-Pair - Simple External Gears

Simpe Gear Pair - External Mesh

External Mesh

In the image:

Gear 1 Red-14-1b : rotates on a fixed-center

Gear 2 Red-14-2 : rotates on a fixed-center

Line-of-center Red-14-3 : a Line between the two fixed-centers. It is a Line in the Base-Part.

Example Simple Gear-Pair - Simple External Gears

Simple Gear Pair - Internal Mesh

Internal Mesh

In the image:

Gear 1 Red-14-1b : rotates on a fixed-center

Gear 2 Red-14-2 : rotates on a fixed-center

Line-of-center Red-14-3 : Line between the two fixed-centers. It is a Line in the Base-Part.

Videos : Add Gear-Pair command

Standard Gear-Pair