Add Force-Data FB

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Add Force-Data FB

Why add a Force-Data FB?

See also: Force-Data FB dialog

Use a Force-Data FB to measure, over a machine-cycle, the force* that acts ON a Point at a Joint, Spring, 2D-Cam, Pulley, or Rack-Pinion.

Use a Graph FB to plot force over a machine-cycle.

See also:

Configure the Power Source

* Force:

The term we use for Kinetostatic Force and Torque data.

Kinetostatic Forces are those that arise in parts and at joints that have mass and mass moment of inertia, when the parts move with a prescribed motion. The moving parts and machine frame are perfectly rigid, there is no backlash in the joints, and the pre-scribed motion is followed perfectly.


See also: Dynamics for Dynamic Forces and Torques.

Add Force-Data FB

Force-Data FB in graphic-area

Force-Data FB in graphic-area

STEP 1: Add the Force-Data FB to the graphics-area.


1.Click Forces menu > Force-Data


1.Click Forces toolbar > Add Force-Data FB


2.Click the graphics-area

The Force-Data FB is now in the graphics-area.

Doube-click to edit Force-Data FB

Doube-click to edit Force-Data FB

STEP 2.Open the Force-Data FB dialog

1.Double-click the Force-Data FB to open the Force-Data dialog.


See 'How to open a dialog'

Force-Data FB dialog

Force-Data FB dialog

STEP 3.Link the Force-Data FB to a Force-Element and a Point

A.Select a Force-Element

1.Click a Force-element in the graphics-area or the Assembly-Tree

Force-elements include: Joint, 2D-Cam, Spring, Pulley, Rack-Pinion,

A list of Available Points shows in the box below.

B.Select a Point in the box of Available Points

Even if a Point shows in the Selected Force Output Element box:

1.Click a Point in the box below Available Points

If you select a:

Pin-Joint - there are two(2) Available Points
One Point on each Part of the Pin-Joint

Slide-Joint - there are four(4) Available Points
Two Points on each Line of the Slide-Joint

2D-Cam - zero(0) Available Points
Contact Point is selected

Spring FB - two(2) Available Points
The Spring's Anchor Points

Rack-Pinion - two(2) Available Points
The Contact-Points between the Rack and Pinion

C.Complete the command

3.Click OK-tiny-11-15 to close the Force-Data FB