Add Force-Data FB

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Add Force-Data FB

Why add a Force-Data FB?

See also: Force-Data FB dialog

Use a Force-Data FB to measure, over a machine-cycle, the force* that acts ON a Point at a Joint, Spring, 2D-Cam, Pulley, or Rack-Pinion.

Use a Graph FB to plot the Forces over a machine-cycle.

See also:

Configure the Power Source

* Force: a generalized force, the term we use for Force and Torque data.

Add Force-Data FB

Force-Data FB in graphic-area

Force-Data FB in graphic-area

STEP 1: Add the Force-Data FB to the graphics-area.


1.Click Forces menu > Force-Data


1.Click Forces toolbar > Add Force-Data FB


2.Click the graphics-area

The Force-Data FB is now in the graphics-area.

Doube-click to edit Force-Data FB

Doube-click to edit Force-Data FB

STEP 2.Open the Force-Data FB dialog

1.Double-click the Force-Data FB to open the Force-Data dialog.


See 'How to open a dialog'

Force-Data FB dialog

Force-Data FB dialog

STEP 3.Link the Force-Data FB to a Force-Element and a Point

A.Select a Force-Element

1.Click a Force-element in the graphics-area or the Assembly-Tree

Force-elements include: Joint, 2D-Cam, Spring, Pulley, Rack-Pinion,

A list of Available Points shows in the box below.

B.Select a Point in the box of Available Points

Even if a Point shows in the Selected Force Output Element box:

1.Click a Point in the box below Available Points

If you select a:

Pin-Joint - there are two(2) Available Points
One Point on each Part of the Pin-Joint

Slide-Joint - there are four(4) Available Points
Two Points on each Line of the Slide-Joint

2D-Cam - zero(0) Available Points
Contact Point is selected

Spring FB - two(2) Available Points
The Spring's Anchor Points

Rack-Pinion - two(2) Available Points
The Contact-Points between the Rack and Pinion

C.Complete the command

3.Click OK-tiny-11-15 to close the Force-Data FB