Add Cam-Data FB

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Add Cam-Data FB

Cam-Data FB

See also: Cam-Data FB > Cam Analysis ; Cam-Data FB > Cam Coordinates

Why should I use a Cam-Data FB?

When you link a 2D-Cam to a Cam-Data FB you can use the Cam-Data FB to:

Calculate and save coordinates for the 2D-Cam cam-profile - see Cam-Coordinates, Cam-Coordinates File Formats

Analyze five design parameters for the 2D-Cam - see Cam Analysis

tog_minus-DARKCam: Cam Terminology and 2D-Cam Work-flow.

Add Cam-Data FB

Cam-Data FB in Graphic-Area

Cam-Data FB in Graphic-Area

STEP 1: Add a Cam-Data FB to the graphics-area

Add Motion FB

1.Click Kinematics FB toolbar > Cam-Data FB


1.Click Function-Blocks menu > Cam-Data (FB)

2.Click the graphics-area

The Cam-Data FB is now in the graphics-area and Assembly-Tree.

The Cam-Data FB is “Not Assigned” -

This means you have not yet assigned (or linked) the Cam-Data FB to a 2D-Cam.

You must edit the Cam-Data FB and select a 2D-Cam in your model.

See more Cam-Data dialog