Dialog: Cam-Data FB

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Dialog: Cam-Data FB

Cam-Data FB > Cam-Analysis

See also Add Cam-Data FB

2D-Cam: Work-flow

1.Add a 2D-Cam - see Machine elements toolbar > Add 2D-Cam

If the new 2D-Cam is one from a pair of Conjugate-Cams, or it is one flank of a Groove-Cam

1.a. Add a Conjugate-Cam FB - see Machine elements toolbar > Add Conjugate Cam FB

1.b. Edit the Conjugate-Cam FB to select least two 2D-Cams - see Conjugate-Cam dialog.

2.Select a 2D-Cam or a Conjugate-Cam FB as the Power Source for the Follower - see Configure-Power Source

3.Review the 2D-Cam : Display, Properties, Roller-Life, Cam-Life, ... - see 2D-Cam dialog

4.Add a Cam-Data FB - see Kinematic FBs > Add Cam-Data FB

5.Edit the Cam-Data FB to link it to the 2D-Cam- - see Cam-Data dialog : Cam Analysis

6.Connect wires from the Cam-Data FB to a Graph FB to analyze 5 parameters - see Cam-Data dialog : Cam Analysis

7.Edit the Cam-Data FB again to calculate the Cam's Coordinates - see Cam-Data dialog : Cam-Coordinates

Link the Cam-Data FB to a 2D-Cam

After you add a Cam-Data FB, you must link it to a 2D-Cam. To link it you must open the Cam-Data dialog.

Double-click FB to open the dialog-box

1.Double-click the Cam-Data FB to open the Cam-data dialog


1.See How to open a dialog

The Cam-Data dialog is now open

Selected 2D-Cam is boxRed-14-1: is empty. You must now select a 2D-Cam.

Cam-Data dialog - NOT linked to a 2D-Cam

Cam-Data dialog - NOT linked to a 2D-Cam

Click to select a 2D-Cam

Click to select a 2D-Cam

2.Click a 2D-Cam in the graphic-area or the Assembly-Tree

The 2D-Cam is now in the Selected 2D-Cam is Red-14-1 box - see image below.

3.Click Red-14-2 () to close the Cam-Data dialog

Cam-Data FB linked to 2D-Cam 'Cam Outer'

Cam-Data FB linked to 2D-Cam 'Cam Outer'


The caption above the Cam-Data FB is the element-name of the Cam-Data element - see Rename element dialog

The caption above the element-name is the name of the 2D-Cam element, that has the link with the Cam-Data FB.

TOP-TIP: When there is more than one 2D-Cam in the Mechanism-Editor:

1.Edit the color of the 2D-Cam  - see 2D-Cam dialog : Display tab > Display Options 

2.Rename the 2D-Cam element to its color - see Rename dialog

Now, it is easier to see which 2D-Cam has a link with which Cam-Data FB.

You can now :

Analyze 5 Cam parameters - see Cam-Analysis Parameters

Calculate the Cam's Coordinates - see Cam-Coordinates dialog

Cam-Data FB: Cam Analysis Parameters

Analysis Parameters from Cam-Data FB

Analysis Parameters from Cam-Data FB

The five output-connectors from the Cam-Data FB provide:

F   : Contact Force : See Note 1

Ԏ  : Contact Maximum Shear Stress : See Note 2

ρ  : Radius-of-Curvature : See Note 3

μ  : Pressure Angle : See Note 4

Ue : Sliding Velocity : see Note 5

Drag wires from the output-connectors of the Cam-Data FB to a Graph FB, a Math FB or a Statistics FB

Make sure you select the correct Cam-Profile (Inner, Outer, or Pitch-Center Path) in the Y–axis display option of the Graph FB interface.


Connect wires from the same output-connector of different Cam-Data FBs to the same Graph FB. E.g. Plot Pressure-Angle for up to four 2D-Cams with one Graph FB.


Set the Minimum and Maximum Y-axis values of all graphs to be equal to each other. Use the Set all option in the Graph Settings. Then it is even easier to compare the same parameter for each 2D-Cam with the same limits. If plot exceeds the limits, it is easier to see.

Note 1:

Do Configure the Power Source before you can analyze the Contact-Force.

If Contact-Force is 0.0N in the Graph FB, and the Configure Power Source is correct, change the Cam from Inner to Outer, or vice versa, in the Graph FB > Y-axis Options.

Note 2:

Do Configure the Power Source before you can analyze the Contact-Force.

If Shear-Stress is 0.0Nm–2 in the Graph FB, and the Configure Power Source is correct, change the Cam from Inner to Outer, or vice versa, in the Graph FB > Y-axis Options.

The Maximum Shear Stress is not on the surface of the Cam - it is a little below its surface. The Maximum Shear Stress and its depth below the surface is a function of the material properties of the contacting bodies.

Material Properties:

Follower-Profile: ,

Cam-Profile: taken from the Steel Selection in the  Cam-Life tab of the 2D-Cam dialog.

There calculations have assumptions. The most significant assumption is that friction is zero, and the bodies are perfectly smooth.

Note 3:

By convention, the Radius-of-Curvature (RoC) of a Roller is positive.

When the cam is convex relative to the Roller, the RoC of the cam is positive.

When the cam is concave relative to the Roller, the RoC of the cam is negative.

Radius-of-Curvature of the Pitch-Curve is not available. If you need to know the Radius-of-Curvature of the Pitch-Curve, export the Radius-of-Curvature of the Inner and Outer cams to Excel, and calculate their average.

Note 4:

The Pressure Angle is through the center of the Follower-Roller. There are two other Pressure Angles available: the Contact Pressure Angle of the Inner and Outer Cams - these are labeled as Inside Cont. PR, Ang. in the Graph FB > Y-axis display options.

These should be used with a Flat-Faced Follower only.

We cannot calculate for you the Pressure Angle for a Stationary Cam.

Note 5:

The Sliding-Velocity assumes the Follower-Profile does not roll (even if the Profile represents a Roller; it assumes it slides over the Cam-Profile. Use the Sliding-Velocity to calculate the Film Thickness of the lubricating oil between the Follower-Profile and Cam-Profile. If you know the surface finish of the Cam-Profile and the Follower-Profile, you can also calculate the Film Thickness Ratio, . This is an important parameter as it strongly influences the life of the cam. A Film Thickness Ratio of less than 1 means that metal asperities of the Follower-Profile and Cam-Profile contact each other, and wear occurs.  

Sliding Velocity = (Velocity of Cam-Profile – Velocity of Follower-Profile)

Entrainment Velocity = (Velocity of Cam-Profile +Velocity of Follower-Profile) ÷ 2

Slip-Slide-Ratio = Sliding-Velocity ÷ Entrainment Velocity

tog_minusContact Force / Contact Shear-Stress