Add Conjugate Cam FB

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Add Conjugate Cam FB

Add Conjugate Cam FB

See also

See Conjugate-Cam dialog

About Conjugate Cams

Why use a Conjugate Cam FB?

To analyze the Contact-Force and Contact Shear-Stress of a Body-Closed Cam, you must add and configure a Conjugate Cam FB. You must also select the Cam-Conjugate FB as the Power-Source for the Follower in the Configure Power Source dialog.

tog_minusCam Terminology and Typical Work-Flow.

Prepare to Add Conjugate Cam FB

You need a Conjugate Cam FB to analyze Forces when two 2D-Cams in a kinematic-chain drive two Follower-Profiles that are in a different kinematic-chain.


Preparation Example:

Two(2) 2D-Cams that are elements of one kinematic-chain - e.g. a Cam-Shaft

Two(2) or more Follower-Profiles* that are elements of a different kinematic-chain - e.g. a Rocker

Edit each 2D-Cam to display one Cam-Profile - the Inner or the Outer - see 2D-Cam dialog > Display tab

* Follower-Roller and/or Flat-Faced Follower

See also Shape of the Follower-Profile.

Add Conjugate Cam FB


STEP 1:Add the Conjugate-Cam FB


1.Mechanism menu > Conjugate-Cam


1.Machine-elements toolbar > Add Conjugate-Cam FB

The Conjugate-Cam-FB is now in the graphics-area.


STEP 2:Edit the Conjugate-Cam FB


1.Double-click the Conjugate-Cam FB in the graphics-area


1.See How to open a dialog

The Conjugate-Cam dialog is now open.

STEP 3:See Conjugate-Cam dialog